Start of EU Project EPISECC - Inventory of European Disaster Relief

Credit: AIT, Vienna, AustriaParticipants of the kick-off event of EPISECC in Vienna

Within the EU project EPISECC (Establish Pan-European Information Space to Enhance Security of Citizens) the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is creating an Europe-wide inventory of events and disasters. This includes information about the actual events, the introduced support measures and the use of data, information and communication structures. Additionally the task includes the identification of pan-European existing technical solutions for crisis management and thus gained operational experience. This inventory provides the basis for the creation of a European "common information space", especially for the evaluation of traffic management and logistics aspects.

The aim of the EU-project EPISECC is to optimize the availability of information for operational planning and traffic management in crisis situations and to ensure an efficient cross boarder exchange of information. Thus, the contents of the project VABENE ++ are consistently continued in the European context.

The project EPISECC is receiving funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme and started with a kick-off event on June 2, 2014 in Vienna. Within EPISECC 17 project partners from 11 countries are cooperating. With a term of three years, EPISECC has a total budget of approximately 5.1 million euros.