Different train configurations

For the vehicles of the passenger traffic, passenger flow simulations were performed for multiple vehicle configurations using the microscopic simulation software TOMICS (class division, door assembly, individual entry and exit concepts, staircase assembly, passenger numbers, luggage, and standing passengers).

By analysing the required entry and exit times as well as passenger exchange times potential bottlenecks were identified and concrete ideas for solutions were developed. This allowed for the identification of optimum concepts for trouble-free passenger flow and rapid exchange of passengers in the NGT HGV and NGT LINK.

Passenger simulation

The Traffic Oriented Microscopic Simulator (TOMICS) was developed by the institute and represents a microscopic, fast-time simulation software to model individual passenger movements in various traffic environments.

TOMICS was developed further to analyse the entry and exit of passengers and the passenger flow. The train interior and the interface between train and platform can be assessed in the simulations. Different train geometries with various arrangements of seats, doors, stairs, and toilets can be evaluated with regard to the resulting values for entry and exit of passengers and the passenger flow.