5G Forum
(Subproject 6; Lead: TU Braunschweig, Institute of Automotive Economics and Industrial Production; AIP)
The 5G Forum is a focal point for the use cases, but also an impulse generator - as a place for collaboration in an innovation ecosystem consisting of different stakeholders.
Digitization and networking increasingly permeate products and infrastructure and consequently society in everyday life. From this change, different attitudes, opinions and ideas are formed, which need to be taken into account in the course of further development steps of modern applications. The "5G Forum" subproject, which is set up cross-sectionally in the 5G Living lab, appears to be a place for expert interaction with different stakeholders from business to municipalities and administrations to society and science. This provides a unique opportunity for both project-internal and project-external stakeholders to shape the collaboration and innovation of the 5G Living lab.
The "5G Forum" provides a physical and virtual infrastructure, as well as a method-oriented working environment. This enables researchers to collaborate with different project internal, as well as external stakeholders in concrete use cases and to further develop solutions together. On the practical side, the 5G Forum thus enables the development of innovative and relevant applications. For academia, it provides both opportunities to explore different forms of collaboration and to build innovation networks in the region, acting as a unique source of internationally visible research.
In addition, the 5G Forum serves, among other things, the technical-expert exchange on results as well as the integrated technology assessment. This enables a technical synchronization for knowledge transfer to users from practice in the context of the different application areas of a Smart City/Smart Region. With this interface, the research project is to a 5G living laboratory, embedded in regional value creation and beyond, with an impulse-giving effect.
Under the leadership of the Institute of Automotive Economics and Industrial Production (AIP) of the TU Braunschweig, collaboration with recourse to methodological support will be enabled both in lectures, the 5G Forum INFORMS events, and in the 5G Forum ACTS workshops.
The opening of the 5G Forum took place on November 12, 2020. Until the end of 2022, many different events of the 5G-Forum INFORMS and 5G-Forum ACTS series will take place with a collaborative focus. Thus, there are numerous ongoing opportunities for interested companies, administrative departments of municipalities, scientific institutions, and the general public to participate and interact. Further information on events can be found in the 5G Forum event calendar.