Impact of Covid on freight transport and the logistics industry


The objectives of work package (WP) 6200 are to record and analyze

  • the impact on freight transport and logistics in particular,
  • the change of infrastructural utilization in freight transport and
  • the effects of political control measures on retail trade

In addition, the question of what role digitalization plays for companies in times of crisis will be investigated.

Procedures and methods

Primary data will be collected and secondary data will be analyzed to determine responses in the freight sector regarding policy measures to curb the spread of the CORONA virus.

Primary data collection will take the form of interviews with companies in the transportation and logistics industry and their experts, supplemented by online surveys. The online surveys are aimed at retail companies (link to survey) and companies in the transport and logistics industry (link to survey). Participation in the surveys is still possible. The surveys are supported by the HDE and the Berlin Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation.

The secondary data are on the one hand data of the Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA) as well as freely accessible data provided by Destatis, the Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG) as well as institutions such as the World Bank, OECD, the UN or macrological nodes (such as ports). These data are indexed, screened and summarized.

First results

Already in March/April first interviews with logisticians and infrastructural institutions like ports were conducted. Results of the interviews in German can be viewed here (should you be interested in results in English, please feel free to contact us).

DLR untersucht mittel- bis langfristige Corona-Folgen auf die Logistikbranche - DLR Portal

Verkehr während der Corona-Krise: Schiff und Flugzeug konnten nicht genug transportieren | ZEIT ONLINE

A publication is in the making.