In the cadastre for the test bed status, relevant information about the test bed is maintained (e.g. road condition, crash-barrier condition, weather data), which can be used for the clarification of automation function drops or faults observed on the vehicle. This enables the efficient planning, preparation and evaluation of the tests. Correlations to observed traffic events can be analysed on the basis of these data. In addition to data from area-wide weather stations along the motorways in the test area, a separate measuring station with detailed information on surface temperature, water-film thickness on the road surface and current visibility is operated within the scope of the Test Bed Lower Saxony. In addition, a mobile sensor is integrated on a DLR vehicle, which can determine comparable values along the test route (e.g. directly before and/or after a campaign for automated driving in the test bed).
Basic data for the test bed cadastre:
- Information in large areas of the test bed on general weather data (air temperature and weather conditions)
- Stationary weather station in the area of the acquisition technology on the motorway A39 for measuring the surface temperature, the water-film thickness on the road surface and the current visibility
- Mobile sensor with a detection rate of 40 Hz (non-contact measurement of road-surface temperature and data on road-surface wetness)
- Categorised route condition for sections of the A2, A39, A391 and L295 test area
- Categorised status of the crash barriers for sections of the A2, A39 and A391 test area