
Transport research at the DLR is carried out in theme-centred projects: the relevant DLR institutes research concrete solutions in an interdisciplinary way. All projects benefit from being pooled in the DLR together with its other programs Aeronautics, Space and Energy, as well as networking with politics, the economy and science.


Digitalisation is fundamentally changing our mobility in many areas. In addition to self-driving cars, airborne drones are playing an ever-increasing role in an automated and connected transport system of tomorrow. Possible applications include the transport of vital medical...

Metal hydride refrigeration system

Using hydrogen as a refrigerant to utilise the pressure difference between the high-pressure tank and the fuel cell system for cooling. Hydrogen has to be compressed to store it on board a vehicle has to be compressed to high pressures to ensure a competitive volumetric energy...


Information on the vehicle concept The concept The autonomous, driverless, U-Shift electric vehicle concept enables a new type of modularity by separating the driving module from the transport capsule, thus creating new intermodality, new products and business models. The drive...

VMo4Orte - Connected Mobility for Livable Places

Mobility of people and goods are fundamental prerequisites for livable, climate-robust and competitive cities and their surrounding areas. At the same time, the negative consequences of the resulting traffic in terms of air and noise pollution, the design and distribution of...

Teleoperation ATO

Framework and human-centered design of teleoperation as a complement for automated railroad operations The automation of the railway system is a central component in the strategy of the German government for efficient and sustainable future rail transportation in Germany. Much of...


The project aims to bring to conclusion the research and development of some key technologies to foster innovations in the field of railway signalling, automation, telecommunication, testing methodologies and Cyber-Security, as part of a longer term Shift2Rail IP2 strategy...

Zero Emission Drive Unit - Generation 1 (ZEDU-1)

Mission Along with exhaust gases, particulate matter and microplastic emissions are among the most important causes of mobility-related environmental pollution. Together with the companies HWA AG and Frenoza GmbH, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stuttgart (Institute of...

NGT BIT Slip Coaching and Virtual Coupling Demonstrator

NGT – The Next Generation Train For more than ten years, the German Aerospace Center (DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.) has been researching a concept for a future high-speed train, the Next Generation Train (NGT). The initial focus is on the design of a...

NGT-FuN: Research Facility NGT-Running Gear

The „Next Generation Train“ (NGT) is a guiding concept for transportation research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). This lightweight, high-speed double-deck train serves as a framework for the development of concepts, methods and technologies for future rail transport. The...


HI-DRIVE addresses a number of key challenges that currently hinder the progress of vehicle automation developments Hi-Drive addresses a number of key challenges, which are currently hindering the progress of developments in vehicle automation. Our key aim is to advance the state...


Detailed bottom-up market simulation incorporating DLR knowledge Since 2007 the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts is conducting research on the underlying causalities and interdependencies of vehicle markets. VECTOR21 incorporates this knowledge in a detailed bottom-up scenario...

EASIER - sEAmless SustaInable EveRyday urban mobility

Within the EASIER joint project, the sub-project "Attractive Transfers" of the DLR Institute of Transport Research aims to increase the share of active mobility (walking and cycling) and of public transport (PT) in the modal split by designing and planning attractive access to PT...

EVer: Energy and Transport

In order to achieve Germany's environmental goals, major changes in the energy and transport sectors are required. In the energy sector, the switch to renewable electricity has already begun and significant progress has been made, although further development of renewables...

Project news - Project results - Consortium FCH2RAIL project: First hydrogen train on the Spanish railway network The testing phase in the Spanish tracks has started with the first test run on the Zaragoza-Canfranc line, in the Aragonese Pyrenees and it will continue on lines in...

EUFAL: Electric Urban Freight and Logistics

Although it is commonly believed that EVs are suited to perform last mile deliveries in particular in urban areas, only some companies make use of electric delivery vehicles. Up to now, electric vehicles have been considered as perfect substitutes of conventional vehicles. But...